wire drawing | 240TD Mercedes-Benz w123 Estate | Niemöller

Wire drawing for Control - Control on Diesel Vehicles in 240TD Mercedes-Benz w123 Estate

Chosen model:
Niemöller part-no. G 30 092
Designation: Wire drawing
Required pieces: 1
Bulky: Yes (Bulky shipping)
availability: currently not in stock, but available for order currently not in stock, but available for order
Original part number:
  • 123 300 01 32
Mercedes Car: 240TD Mercedes-Benz w123 Estate
Used in: Control - Control on Diesel Vehicles
Chassis: W 123.183
Engine: 616.912
€29.47 per unit (net)
Only suitable for:
  • Right-hand-drive
As of ident. no.
105 067927
Up to ident. no.:
003 079271
086 003333
102,103 10/50,12/52 084807  
102,103 20/60,22/62 087581
105 165191
183 000567
190 011485

We offer Wire drawing for your Mercedes W123T as a spare part for sale. The part is installed in the chassis 123.183 with engine 616.912 and used in unit Control - Control on Diesel Vehicles. It is listed under the original spare part number 1233000132 at Mercedes. Vehicle 240TD Mercedes-Benz w123 Estate was manufactured in the years 2/78 to 1/86 in a quantity of 38903.

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